Sustainability hero

Sustainable solutions. Just what the planet needs.

Water is a life-giving resource like no other. Its abundance sustains ecosystems, supports biodiversity, and ensures the thriving of our planet. From the sky to the mountains, to the ocean (ki uta, ki tai), water journeys, playing a vital role in our world.

At Stormwater360, our mission revolves around protecting the world's waterways from stormwater runoff. But while our products inherently promote sustainability, our commitment extends to every aspect of our operations, from creation to installation and service.

Quote wall
Ka ora te wai,
ka ora te whenua,
ka ora nga tangata.
If the water is healthy,
the land is healthy,
the people are healthy.

Living and 


Our sustainability efforts are categorised into three pillars:



Encompasses our day-to-day operations, including transportation, energy consumption, and resource usage. From commuting to work or client sites to the management of water, paper, and energy in our facilities, every action is scrutinised for its environmental impact.



Production sustainability focuses on the engineering and manufacturing of our stormwater solutions. This includes material selection, waste management, and recycling efforts throughout the production process. From sourcing sustainable materials to optimising transportation logistics, we strive to minimise our carbon footprint at every stage.



Emphasises our commitment to creating a sustainable workplace for our employees. This includes promoting inclusivity, gender equality, and work-life balance. We believe that fostering a supportive and healthy work environment is essential for the well-being of our team members and the success of our business.

Together for Good.

Supporting Charities and Communities.

Our commitment to charities and community initiatives.