StormFilter™ at Akarana Timbers
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StormFilter™ at Akarana Timbers

Project Focus



Te Rapa, Hamilton

StormFilter™ at Akarana Timbers

A new office block with a drive-thru timber yard and pre-nail framing factory on an 11800m² site. It is broken into two catchment areas and stormwater is treated with two StormFilter™ devices.

The StormFilters™ proven deliverables with the removal of contaminants and changing the media to ZPG to ensure the correct media for the containments that are being targeted.

To minimize heavy metal runoff to protect the waterways from having metal in stormwater.

Design features & details: A consultant based in Christchurch, helped them to understand the WRC Stormwater treatment requirements within Hamilton City. A standard design was initially used until the research into the processing treatment of timber established the need for ZPG to remove the various chemicals. Perlite for sediment, Zeolite and activated carbon to remove heavy metals in particulate and dissolved forms.

Target pollutants are; Boron, Argon, Chromium and Copper

The maintenance schedule is established by inspection as it varies by sediment load and is dependent on site variables.