Grasscrete™ at Kawakawa Place, Westgate
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Grasscrete™ at Kawakawa Place, Westgate

Project Focus

Green Infrastructure


Westgate, Auckland

Grasscrete™ at Kawakawa Place, Westgate

Stormwater360's permeable paving system has been used for the parking bay at ACH Consulting Engineers' new office in Westgate.

The Grasscrete™ system was specified at this site as it is a pervious load-bearing paver that reduces the impervious surface area allowing an extension to the carpark area whilst enabling infiltration and reducing stormwater runoff.

250m² of Grasscrete formers was purchased from Stormwater360 to cover the area of the carpark, and Blundell Concrete carried out all aspects of the project including laying of the basecourse and sand bedding, pouring of concrete and planting. To assist with runoff during high-intensity rainfalls an overflow channel was also integrated into the design for surface runoff.

To ensure plant growth, Blundell Concrete used a combination of sand and topsoil from Central Landscape for a high infiltration rate while providing nutrients for grass survival. The area was planted with a combination of grass species of rye, brown top, and fescues – all hard-wearing grasses.

Maintenance is not required often as the grass is best left with long stems to ensure the soil is not eroded but can be maintained using standard mowing equipment.

Weekly visits to this site have proven the Grasscrete™ is functioning well.