Humes Pipeline Systems - Industrial Application of a Treatment Train
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Humes Pipeline Systems - Industrial Application of a Treatment Train

Project Focus

Filtration, Hydrodynamic Separators, GPTs and Inserts



Humes Pipeline Systems - Industrial Application of a Treatment Train


  • StormFilter™ 26 x 69cm in a StormFilter™ Vault(Perlite Cartridges)
  • Cascade Separator



Humes Pipeline Systems in Te Rapa, Hamilton, required a stormwater treatment solution to meet council regulations. The site’s stormwater runoff, primarily from a metaled yard, was being discharged into a nearby creek, necessitating a robust system to handle heavy sediment loads and prevent cross-contamination from adjacent industrial sites.

Stormwater360 was selected to design a low-maintenance treatment train, addressing sediment reduction, hydrocarbon capture, and external contamination control.

  • Heavy Sediment Load: Runoff from the metalled yard produced significant sediment, requiring an effective system to handle these loads.
  • Adjacent Industrial Sites: The design needed to prevent cross-contamination from neighbouring properties.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The system had to meet council requirements, particularly for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reduction.

Stormwater360 designed a comprehensive treatment train that included:

  • Deep and Wide Sumps: Strategically placed to capture the heavy sediment load before stormwater enters the primary treatment system.
  • Cascade CS4 (Gross Pollutant Trap): Installed upstream of the StormFilter™, the Cascade CS4 captures hydrocarbons, litter, and debris, removing 50% of TSS in pre-treatment, and reducing the strain on the downstream system.
  • StormFilter™ with Perlite Cartridges: This final stage of treatment targets fine sediments and pollutants, achieving a minimum of 75% TSS removal before discharge into the creek.

This design ensured compliance with local water quality regulations and protected the site from potential cross-contamination.



  • TSS Reduction: The system is designed to remove at least 75% of TSS, reducing sediment pollution in the creek.
  • Hydrocarbons, Litter, and Debris: The Cascade CS4 captures these pollutants before they can enter the final filtration system.
  • Cross-contamination: The treatment train prevents pollutants from neighbouring sites from affecting stormwater quality at the Humes facility.



Installed in late 2022, the system underwent its first maintenance in June 2024. Stormwater360’s inspect-to-maintain service ensures the system remains fully functional with minimal maintenance required between service intervals.



The retrofit stormwater treatment train at Humes Pipeline Systems' Te Rapa plant effectively addresses the challenges of high sediment loads and potential cross-contamination from adjacent sites. The Cascade Separator™ and StormFilter™ Vault system ensures compliance with environmental regulations and maintains the quality of discharge into the neighbouring creek.

This solution not only meets regulatory requirements but also provides a robust and reliable approach to managing stormwater in an industrial setting.