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Moving Towards Zero Waste: Insights from Auckland Council Waste Solutions Department Presentation

General News
06 Aug 2024

Moving Towards Zero Waste: Insights from Auckland Council Waste Solutions Department Presentation


Today, our team had the opportunity to sit down with Courtney and Sue from the Waste Solutions Department at Auckland Council to delve into the pressing issue of waste management. The presentation revolved around the importance of not only reducing waste but also recycling it properly. We were startled to learn that the average household in Auckland generates a staggering 126 kilograms of trash per year, emphasising the urgent need for more sustainable waste practices.

Moreover, the scale of the issue became even more apparent when we discovered that Auckland fills Eden Park with trash in just one week. This eye-opening statistic underscores the immense volume of waste being generated within the city. However, amidst these challenges, we were encouraged to hear about Auckland Council's ambitious goal of achieving zero waste by 2040.

As we delved deeper into the conversation, it became clear that collaboration and community engagement will be key in reaching this target. The importance of educating residents on proper waste separation, recycling, and waste reduction strategies emerged as a pivotal focus for achieving this objective. By working together and fostering a collective responsibility towards waste management, we are confident that meaningful progress can be made towards a cleaner and more sustainable Auckland.

In conclusion, the presentation with Courtney and Sue shed light on the gravity of the waste management issue facing Auckland. It also instilled a sense of optimism as we learned about the Council's vision for a zero-waste future. We left the meeting with renewed determination to do our part to contribute to a more sustainable, waste-smart Auckland.

Stay tuned for more updates as we explore ways to support and promote the journey towards a zero-waste Auckland!